Members of the Maine Crafts Association are respectfully directed to pay a percentage (10% or 25%) of each sale that is a direct result of MCA efforts, referrals, representation and campaigns. Please use the online payment and form to submit the fee - THANK YOU!

25% to MCA For: Special / custom orders originating through gallery but managed by artist and processed by artist:

Ex: Our staff connect a customer directly to an artist for a custom order (if the scenario is best served through direct communication). In this situation the artist and customer arrange for the delivery and payment.

Ex: A customer visits a Shop Maine Craft (SMC) gallery, sees an item in the gallery and then contacts the artist directly to purchase the same type of item from them instead of purchasing in gallery.

PLEASE NOTE: The artist may not remove the item from the gallery to sell it to the customer, they must tell the customer to purchase it from the gallery and will receive the normal consignment percentage.

10% to MCA For: Sales with customers referred to artists through MCA or SMC efforts but customer contacts artist directly:

Ex: Sales gleaned through MCA or SMC social media campaigns

Ex: Customer learns about an artist in Shop Maine Craft gallery and contacts the artist to purchase or order something different than the items viewed in the gallery

Ex: Artist sales resulting from MCA or SMC features - featured artists, featured products, online exhibitions, ect

Artists do not need to pay MCA a percentage for sales resulting from PAID marketing (such as co-op ads) or paid programs (such as craftshows).

You are completing this form on behalf of someone else. Please enter their details.
Total Amount
Member Info for Referral Commission
Please use this field to summarize what the order was and any other important details. 25% Ex: Customer was referred to me by Maria and purchased a chair as seen in the MCA chair show made with a different wood. 10% Ex: Customer contacted me to order a dinner plate set after learning about me from MCA's online feature with my work.