Registration is closed for this event
Guild Fine Craft Show: Scarborough takes place at Ketcha Outdoors, 336 Black Point Rd, Scarborough, ME 04074. The show will be held both indoor + outdoor. Indoor booths will have a variety of shapes and sizes such as 8x10 (inline + corners), 3x10, 5x10, 8x6, 4x8 and a large 8x14 booth. Outdoor booths will be freestanding 10x10's (EZ-up required). There will be no large event tent outdoors in 2023. Power is limited to indoor booths only.

The Guild Level Fine Craft Shows nurture a marketplace where the public can see, collect and learn about the highest quality craft objects made by Maine’s most dedicated, talented and trained craft artists who have mastered their tools, techniques and vision to create original fine craft objects for everyday use and special occasions. The Guild Level Fine Craft Shows feature juried fine craft artists in MCA Guild level of membership. The shows will also include a selection of juried craft artists from the League of New Hampshire Craftsmen.

September 16th, 2023 10:00 AM to September 17th, 2023 4:00 PM
336 Black Point Rd
Scarborough, ME 04074
United States
Phone: 717-372-1541
Phone: 207-205-0791
Event Fee(s)
Scarborough 2023 Booth Choices
Indoor 3 x 10 inline $300.00
Indoor 4 x 8 inline $320.00
Indoor 5 x 10 corner $340.00
Indoor 6 x 8 corner $350.00
Indoor 8 x 8 inline $380.00
Indoor 8 x 8 corner $400.00
Indoor 8 x 10 inline $430.00
Indoor 8 x 10 inline (open on two sides) $430.00
Indoor 4 x 16 inline $420.00
Indoor 8 x 10 corner $450.00
Indoor 8 x 10 corner (open on three sides) $450.00
Indoor 8 x 14 inline $520.00
Outdoor 10 x 10 (tent required) $360.00
Craft Classifieds
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