Maine craftshow listings, conferences and educational resources such as schools and studios offering workshops. The majority of those listed are ongoing, established events and not MCA or Shop Maine Craft affiliated. There are more pop-up events and markets around the state we may not have listed, contact simonne@mainecrafts.org to suggest an addition or edit!
Check for this year’s dates. Additional craft shows held throughout Maine at local farmers’ markets and churches.
Portland: New England Made—wholesale only
Lewiston: Lewiston Artisan & Craft Fair
Ogunquit: Ogunquit Patriots Day Craft Show
Bangor: Craftah Fairs Craft Show
Hermon: Craftah Fairs Craft Show
Turner: Artisans Guild Open House @ Nezinscot Farm
Augusta: Craftah Fairs Craft Show
Boothbay: Boothbay Memorial Day Craft Show
Freeport: Makers on Main
Boothbay: Windjammer Days Craft Show
Brunswick: Vintage & Made Market
Saco: Saco Main Street Sidewalk Art Festival
Freeport: Makers on Main
Boothbay: Boothbay 4th of July Craft Show
Boothbay: Boothbay End of July Craft Show
Freeport: Makers on Main
Kennebunkport: School Around Us Summer Craft Fair
Mount Desert Island: Guild Fine Craft Show: MDI
Southwest Harbor: Quietside Flamingo Festival Craft Fair
Boothbay: Boothbay August Fest Craft Show
Boothbay: Boothbay End of August Craft Show
Freeport: Makers on Main
Lovell: Lovell Arts & Artisans Fair
Manchester: Designing Women Fine Art & Craft Show
Naples: Naples for the Arts
Northeast Harbor: Northeast HarborFest
Northeast Harbor: Northeast Harbor Neighborhood House Invitational Arts & Craft Show
Portland: Portland Fine Craft Show
Rockport: Rockport Fine Crafts Show
Scarborough: United Maine Craftsmen Show
Scarborough: Guild Fine Craft Show: Scarborough (2022 only – in 2023 this show will be in September as is typical)
York: York Days Craft Fair
Belfast: Guild Fine Craft Show: Belfast
Boothbay: Boothbay Labor Day Craft Show
Boothbay: Boothbay Fall Craft Show
Brunswick: Vintage & Made Market
Freeport: Makers on Main
Kennebunkport: School Around Us Summer Craft Fair II
Ogunquit: Ogunquit Labor Day Weekend Sidewalk Sale
Wells: Laudholm Nature Crafts Festival
Westbrook: United Maine Craftsmen Fall Festival of Arts and Crafts
Brunswick: Guild Fine Craft Show: Brunswick
Brunswick: United Maine Craftsmen Brunswick Arts and Crafts Show
Carrabasset Valley: Upcountry Artists Sugarloaf Show
Freeport: Freeport Fall Festival
Ogunquit: OgunquitFest Crafts Show
Wells: Designing Women Fine Art & Craft Show
Statewide: Maine Craft Weekend: Annual tour of Maine craft Studios, Businesses and Events www.mainecraftweekend.org
Augusta: United Maine Craftsmen Augusta Arts and Crafts Show
Bangor: Designing Women Fine Art & Crafts Show
Bangor: United Maine Craftsmen Bangor Arts and Crafts Show
Brewer: United Maine Craftsmen Thanksgiving Arts and Crafts Show
Freeport: Designing Women Fine Art & Crafts Show
Boothbay: Boothbay Harbor Lights Craft Show
Portland: Designing Women Fine Arts & Crafts Show
Portland: MECA Holiday Sale
Portland: United Maine Craftsmen Holiday Arts & Crafts Show
Annual Conferences
April: Artists & Makers Conference, Archipelago/Island Institute www.thearchipelago.net
June: Maine Made Spring Workshop Schedule
June: Pleasant Mountain Fiber Arts Workshops www.pleasantmtfiber.com
June: Maine Start-up & Create Week www.2017.mainestartupandcreateweek.com
July: Haystack Mountain School of Craft Summer Conference www.haystack-mtn.org/programs/summer-conference
September: Fiber College of Maine www.fibercollege.org
October: Maine Arts Commission International Conference. Biennially, on even years www.mainearts.maine.gov
Schools, classes, artist instruction – ongoing
New England School of Metalwork www.newenglandschoolofmetalwork.com
Waterfall Arts www.waterfallarts.org
Engine www.feedtheengine.org
Heartwood College of Art www.heartwoodcollegeofart.org
Susan Mills | Fiber www.susanmillsstudio.com
The Maine Coast Craft School, LLC www.mainecoastcraft.com
Southern Maine Community College www.smccme.edu
Catherine Worthington | Fiber www.earthtonesandfishbones.com
The WEDGE: Lisa & Scott Cylinder | Metals www.LisaAndScottCylinder.com
Maine Coast Traditional Arts School | https://www.mainecoastworkshop.com/
River Arts www.riverartsme.org
Deer Isle
Haystack Mountain School of Crafts www.haystack-mtn.org
Linda Whiting | Fibers www.pinestarstudio.com
Clary Lake Woodworking School www.clarylakewoodworkingschool.com
Lisbon Falls
Maine Art Glass www.maineartglass.com
Monson Arts – Artist Residency | monsonarts.org
Watershed Center for the Ceramic Arts www.watershedceramics.org
H.O.M.E. www.homemmausa.org
Maine College of Art www.meca.edu
Phoenix Studio www.phoenixstudio.com
PortFiber www.portfiber.com
Portland Pottery www.portlandpottery.com
Casco Bay Craft School (on Long Island) www.cascobaycraft.com
Playing with Fire www.playingwithfireglassworks.com
Center for Furniture Craftsmanship www.woodschool.org
Maine Media www.mainemedia.edu
Sundancer Stained Glass www.sundancerstainedglass.com
Skowhegan School of Painting & Sculpture www.skowheganart.org
South Portland
Southern Maine Community College www.smccme.edu
New Ventures Maine www.newventuresmaine.org
SCORE www.score.org
Sara Hotchkiss | Fiber www.sarahotchkiss.com
Waterville Creates www.watervillecreates.org
Colby College Museum of Art www.colby.edu/musuem